摘要:The production of cement involves a large amount of CO 2 emission which has a significant impact onenvironment. Apart from it, excessive extraction of natural aggregates and large generation of industrialas well as agricultural waste also leads to environmental degradation, ecological imbalance andenvironmental pollution. Nowadays, utilization of these wastes has been encouraged in concreteconstruction because it helps in reducing the use of natural raw materials as resources. Therefore,the present study focuses on investigating the effect of sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) as areplacement of cement and coal bottom ash (CBA) as replacement of fine aggregates in concrete. Thisstudy primarily deals with the characteristics of concrete, including strength and workability. Twentyfive mixtures of concrete were prepared at different replacement levels of SCBA (0 to 20% @increment of 5%) with cement and CBA (0 to 40% @ increment of 10%) with fine aggregates. Basedon the test result, it can be concluded that as combination, 10% SCBA and 10% CBA, is recommendedfor higher workability and strength characteristics of concrete than the control or reference concrete.