摘要:Under the influence of global climate change and intense human activities, the world is facing waterissue and crisis in varying extent. It is considered to be strategically important to study the relationbetween land-use change and water environment of the only surface water source of Beijing (a cityfacing severe water shortage). In this article, the quantitative relation between land-use structure andwater environment quality of Chaobai River Basin was discussed. GIS spatial analysis function andMarkov transition matrix were used to calculate the composition and changes of land use. Meanwhilethe correlation between land-use structure and water quality index was analysed by means ofcorrelation analysis, redundancy analysis (RDA) and other mathematical statistics. The land-useimpact on water quality was also investigated. The result indicated that the main means of land use inChaobai River Basin were forest land, farmland, construction land and waters. The major shifted landduring 1995 and 2005 was farmland while during 2005 and 2015 was forest land. The indexes ofwater quality were deeply influenced by the means of land use, of which the deterioration of waterquality was significantly affected by construction land. Water quality could be drastically improved bythe spatial distribution of forest land, which was especially sensitive to ammonia and potassiumpermanganate index. The correlation between farmland area variation and water quality was notremarkable. RDA proved the effect of the land-use forms on water environment of Chao River and BaiRiver in different years. The results could be used to provide a scientific basis for the land optimizationand water pollution control of Chaobai River Basin, as well as guide the policy decision of spacedevelopment and water environment protection of Chaobai River Basin.
关键词:Water quality;
Land use;
Correlation analysis;
Redundancy analysis;
Chaobai River basin