摘要:In order to obtain the sulphur removal with controllable fan’s optimal control structure, we designed thestructure according to the given conditions, determined the structure and performance indicators, and gotthe fan structure parameters which are used for the three-dimensional entity modelling. The fan flow fieldwas studied by numerical simulation. Designing the fan’s L9(3 4 ) orthogonal test table, choosing the impellerdiameter, blade import installation angle and outlet blade installation angle for the orthogonal experiment offour factors, completed the orthogonal experiment and analysed the experimental results to get the processparameters optimization direction of each evaluation index influence situation. By using genetic algorithm tomulti-objective optimization of fan noise and efficiency, we obtained the optimum technological parametersof centrifugal fan impeller combination as: the impeller diameter 1.18 mm, the impeller diameter imported0.33 mm, inlet installation angle 31.69°, and the outlet blade installation angle 82.66°. Based on the flowfield simulation and use of the numerical analysis principle, the performance prediction model of fan efficiencydesulphurization and dust removal was obtained.