摘要:An alternative method of obtaining gaseous fuel is through the anaerobic fermentation of wet livestock(animal and vegetable) wastes to produce biogas which is a mixture of methane (45-75%) and carbondioxide. The process occurs in two stages. In the first stage, the complex organic substance contained in thewaste is acted upon by a certain kind of bacteria called acid formers and are broken into small chain simpleacids. The second stage produces methane and carbon dioxide by another kind of bacteria. The calorificvalue of this biogas ranges from 16000-25000 kj/m 3 . It is an excellent fuel for cooking and lighting as well.When blended with diesel, it is a very good alternate fuel for compression ignition engines and can yielddiesel savings of 72 to 80%. Thus, by means of suitable apparatus, biogas is produced from animal wasteand vegetable waste with high calorific value (more than 16000-25000 kj/m 3 ).