摘要:The WEPP model is used to estimate the runoff and sediment yield at the outlet of the watershed. TheWEPP model is used because of the hilly nature of the watershed. The slope of the watershed varies from0 to 30%. The runoff and sediment yield at the downstream end is determined by the process of rainfall andrunoff erosivity, sediment detachment, transport, and deposition in overland flow. Overland flow processesare usually conceptualized as a mixture of broad sheet flow (called interrill flow) and concentrated flow(called rill flow). Most often the two flow types are lumped and described as overland flow with computationsbased on a broad sheet flow assumption. Interrill erodibility and effective hydraulic conductivity were thecalibration parameters for the WEPP model. The model calibration and validation has been done by comparingpredicted monthly sediment yield and runoff data with observed one. The model predicted the runoff andsediment yield with highest R 2 as 0.953 and 0.911 respectively. The model validation showed closer predictionof runoff and sediment yield with respective R 2 as 0.94 and 0.722 respectively.