摘要:A field experiment was conducted during Rabi season (2009) to find out the effect of integrated applicationof organic manures (FYM and vermicompost), inorganic fertilizers and biofertilizers (PSB and Azotobacter)on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by onion (Allium cepa L.). There were six treatments comprised of variedlevels of FYM, vermicompost, chemical fertilizers, PSB and Azotobacter. The experiment was laid out underrandomized block design (RBD) and the treatments were triplicated during the experiment. Significantlyhigher yield of onion (74.85 q ha -1 ) was observed in the plots received 50% N through vermicompost +25%N through urea + PSB + Azotobacter (T 6 ) as compared to other treatments. Similar significant effect wasobserved on nutrient content (N, P, K and S) and nutrient uptake (N, P, K and S). On the basis of resultsobtained it can be concluded that the integrated use of organic manures (vermicompost and FYM) alongwith chemical fertilizers and biofertilizers (PSB and Azotobacter) can substitute the nitrogen requirement ofplant to the extent of 25% and increased the yield, content and uptake of N, P, K and S by onion significantlyover the sole use of chemical fertilizers.