摘要:This study monitors and predicts the sediment load and runoff at the UKM catchment - the Langat sub basinof Peninsular Malaysia using the WEPP software interfaced in ArcGIS 10.2. Within Geo WEPP and WEPPinterfaces, TOPAZ algorithm and climate generator (CLIGEN) were used to parameterize the aspects ofland cover, slope, climate, soil and topographic data and estimate stochastic climatic parameters respectively.Range of soil parameters was defined by utilizing soil properties such as frequency of soil particles, CECand OC. The management factor was generated applying EPIC algorithm for land use types during thesimulation period 2000 to 2014. The study shows that variation occurs between sediment prediction byGeoWEPP and the measured value of the same. The findings provide further the useful information aboutthe measuring technique and status of the sediment load and runoff for the soil erosion management. Thisstudy suggests the longer span of monitoring as part of the comprehensive management plan is needed forthe Langat River Basin.