摘要:It is imperative that the world farmlands turn out to be the frontline for the battle to feed the projected 9 billionpopulation globally. The deleterious effects of climate change on food security can be counteracting bybroad-based agriculture development particularly enhanced crop diversification to mitigate farmer risk aboutcomplete destruction of crop that will overcome the impacts of climate change. It will also lead to benefits likeimproved food security besides improving soil nutrients. Therefore, a field trial was conducted. Theexperimental results revealed that application of 100% NPK with PSB and Zn in paired planted mashbeanaccumulated significantly more dry matter than rest of the treatment combinations, whereas normal plantedmashbean intercropped with maize recorded maximum total uptake (8.15%) than 100% NPK alone. Likewisein maize similar trends were observed in dry matter and protein content. Moreover, application of 100% NPKalone with PSB and Zn on normal planted sole maize was brought significant improvement in organic carbonand potassium. However, nitrogen recorded higher under paired planted maize+mashbean. Though, normal(50 cm) planted maize+mashbean resulted significantly higher B:C ratio (2.73) at same fertility level.