摘要:The world’s climate is changing rapidly, and these changes are having detrimental impacts on humanhealth and the environment. Major part of it is contributed by the anthropogenic activities. The currentstudy is undertaken for the estimation and calculation of the carbon footprint of the paint industry. Inorder to find out the greenhouse gas emissions released by the industry, the carbon footprint of theindustry was calculated following the greenhouse gas (GHG’s) protocol guidelines. The study includesemissions from different sources. Scope 1 emissions account for the direct emissions, these includeemissions from industry owned boilers, generators, furnaces and vehicles. The Scope 2 emissionsaccount for the indirect emissions, emitted from purchased electricity and natural gas generation. AndScope 3 emissions include emissions generated from waste disposal and employee business travel.The highest amount of emissions was released from Scope 1 which was 714 tCO2e followed byScope 2 emissions which were calculated to be 703.011 tCO2e and then Scope 3 emissions whichwere 105.733 tCO2e. The total carbon footprint calculated for the industry was 2105.733 tCO2e.