摘要:The global warming is caused by emission of green house gases such as carbon dioxide and carbonmonoxide into the atmosphere. The cement industry is held responsible for some of the carbon dioxideemissions, because the production of one tonne of Portland cement emits one tonne of carbon dioxideinto the atmosphere. In terms of global warming the geopolymer technology could significantly reducethe carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere caused by cement industries. This research is aimedto give awareness about the green house gas emissions from the cement manufacturing industriesand the methods of reducing this by the use of fly ash and GGBFS. Two kinds of systems have beenconsidered in this study, 100% replacement of cement by fly ash and 100% replacement of river sandby manufactured sand. The workability of Self Compacting Geopolymer Concrete (SCGC) for variousmolarities was investigated and fixed to 12M. The work focused on the concrete mixes with a fixedwater-to-geopolymer solid (W/Gs) ratio of 0.33 by mass and a constant total binder content of 450kg/m3. The workability related fresh properties for molarity of 12M of SCGC were assessed throughslump flow, T50cm slump flow, V-funnel, L-box and U-Box test methods. The mix proportions are arrivedaccording to EFNARC (European Federation of National Associations Representing for Concrete)guidelines. Based on the results from workability and strength study, the results have been discussedfor SCGC..