摘要:In expectation to improve the properties of production wastewater with both complicated composition andhigh amount of organic compounds produced by oil and grease processing enterprise, pretreatment, ICanaerobic technology and the two stage biological contact oxidation technology were combined to processthe oil wastewater. It was found that the removal rate of COD, oil and ammonia nitrogen could be enhancedto 99.71%, 99.8%, 85.8%, respectively when the concentration of influent COD, grease and ammonia nitrogenwere 32500mg/L, 2800mg/L and 95 mg/L. Besides, the effluent quality could keep stable, coming up to theprimary standard of the integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB8978-1996). Meanwhile, biogas, akind of clean secondary energy, was also produced during the treatment process and could be applied inboth power generation and steam production, exhibiting excellent technicality and economic.