摘要:Perundurai Common Effluent Treatment Plant is one of the front runners in implementing ‘Zero LiquidDischarge’ concept in the treatment and management of effluents from a cluster of textile processing industries.The effluent is segregated into low TDS (< 2100 mg/L) and high TDS (> 2100 mg/L) streams at the individualmember units itself and sent to treatment plant through separate pipelines. Low TDS effluent is subjected toprimary, secondary and tertiary treatments to recover 77.7 % of the effluent for reuse by the member units.High TDS effluent is treated through Multiple Effect Evaporators and solar evaporation pans or salt recoveryplant and converted into solid wastes. Out of a total pollution load of 48 kg/m3 of effluent, only 6.0 kg/m3 isremoved through the treatment and the remaining is transferred to solid wastes. The capital investment toimplement this scheme comes to Rs. 67,018/m3 with recurring expenditure of Rs. 90/m3.