摘要:Chromium, in the trivalent form (Cr III), is an important component of a balanced human and animaldiet and its deficiency causes disturbance to the glucose and lipids metabolism in them. But theconcentration above the permissible limit causes the crop failure and human health impacts. In contrast,hexavalent Cr (Cr VI) is highly toxic, carcinogen and may cause death in animals and humans if ingestedin large doses. Recently, concern about Cr as an environmental pollutant has been escalating due to itsbuildup to toxic levels in the environment as a result of various industrial and agricultural activities. Inour study, a reduction of chromium of about 87 per cent was recorded in sunflower field. At the sametime reduction of only 33.8 per cent from the initial concentration of Cr in the surface soils undersunflower was observed due to the addition of organic amendments. Such reduction is attributed to theformation of either organo-chromic complexes (Immobilization) or chelates. Phytostabilization utilizesthe plant production of compounds, which immobilize contaminants at the interface of roots and soil, orroot and water. An example of this method is where root exudates cause the precipitation of metals,reducing their bioavailability.