摘要:Spatial distribution characteristics of heavy metals in soil-root system have important significance for theresearch of soil pollution risk assessment and phytoremediation effect. Taking Ligustrum lucidum plant asan example in this paper, according to the characteristics of adsorption of heavy metals in soil by woodyplants, laying out sampling points, using Sufer software for Kiging interpolation analysis, horizontal migrationlaw of heavy metal copper in the soil-root interface system was simulated. Through multi-model statisticalregression trend analysis, the horizontal migration mechanism of copper in different section has beendiscussed. The results showed that under horizontal migration law in the surface soil, the migration capabilityof Cu by root in soil near the roots is relatively weak; with root extending, the migration capability is strengthenedgradually. In the deeper soil, the migration law with the root extension was gradually weaker, and the mainrange of accumulation ability is 60-90cm in three sections. In addition, its migration law follows the cubiccurve mode. Under longitudinal migration law, based on the Kriging method, migration models Z(hi) of heavymetal Cu in any depth of h i are constructed.