摘要:This work proceeded in Fidjrossè district in Cotonou from November 2009 to December 2010. It consistedwith a field investigation, with the characterization of the urban solid waste collected in this district, withvalorisation by aerobic composting of the fermentable fraction of the waste. From work of investigation itarises that 25 % of households continue to throw their faeces on wild dumps while 13.33 % continue to makethe incineration. 81. 67% of the surveyed households have a daily production of waste lower than 1 kg. Thecharacterization of collected waste records in mass 50.19% of biodegradable matters; fine sand 32.18%;0.63% of shells, carapaces of crabs and pearls; 0.13% of engraved and pieces of brick; 8.31% of plastics;4% of paperboard; 1.58% of metal; 1.11% of textile and debris of mattress; 1.01% of glasses; 0.79 of shoesand leathers; 0.7% of used batteries; 75% of moisture for the fermentable fraction. On the whole, 262kg offermentable waste was composted with an output of 65, 67% which is approximately 172kg of ripe compost.The physico-chemical characteristics of the compost obtained give inter alia values a report of ratio C/N of11.69% and one rate of total phosphorus 0.062%. The real-mould of our compost has a heavy CEC andholds the nutritive mineral ions as the cations K + and Ca 2+ and phosphate so as to make available for plantsfor their growth and to improve the soil fertility of the site as well as its increased need for organic soilconditioner.