摘要:We studied the changing laws of dissolved oxygen (DO) and dissolved oxygen saturation of Baiyang Lake inthe past few years. The analysis of dissolved oxygen was from two angles, they were monitoring value andsaturability. The results showed that concentration of dissolved oxygen in Baiyang Lake was between 4.08mg/L and 15.00mg/L, and concentration of dissolved oxygen in a day with the changes of light intensityshowed a strong regularity, it was identical in changes of photosynthesis of aquatic plants. The volatility ofchanges of dissolved oxygen in summer and autumn were more than in spring and winter. The averagevalues of dissolved oxygen were greater in winter than in spring and greater than in autumn and greater thanin summer. This was related to water temperature, biomass and biological activities of lives. Dissolvedoxygen saturabilities were close to 100% in spring and summer, so photosynthesis was stronger than oxidationin water. Dissolved oxygen saturabilities in autumn and winter nevertheless were less than 100%, and oxidationin water was in a dominate place. Following the comprehensive analysis, dissolved oxygen in Baiyang Lakewas mainly affected by temperature, organic matter concentration and water-plants. The characteristics ofphotosynthesis were obvious in spring and summer and the oxidation in autumn and winter were obvious.