摘要:Vibrios contribute the major part among water and foodborne pathogens in coastal ecosystems. The membersof the family Vibrionaceae contribute 60% of the total bacterial population. The current work is aimed at theanalysis of the presences of Vibrio species in edible oyster Crassostrea madrasensis along the coastal lineof Chennai in Ennore, Royapuram and Muttukadu. The oysters were collected, and total heterotrophic bacteriawere analysed using selective non-selective agar medium and further confirmed by biochemical tests. Thepredominant pathogenic halophilic Vibrio species were identified to generic level according to Bergey’sManual of Systematic Bacteriology. Among the Vibrios, Vibrio alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus and V.harveyi were the dominant species identified in Crassostrea madrasensis.