摘要:This study was aimed to minimize the use of natural river sand which is being used for several years inconstruction, and to utilize bottom ash from thermal power station as a partial replacement (30%, 60%,100%) for fine aggregate. An experimental investigation has been carried out to find the compressive strengthof the replaced eco-friendly green concrete with different curing methods. An equation recommended byACI committee for conventional concrete was used to predict 56, 90 and 180 days compressive strengthfrom 28 days compressive strength of the eco-friendly green (bottom ash) concrete that resulted with thedifference between the experimental and predicted compressive strength to ± 12%. To minimize the percentageof difference, an empirical relationship was developed between the compressive strength of acceleratedcuring and normal curing (28, 56, 90, 180 days). It is concluded that empirical relationship predicts later agecompressive strength with the minimum percentage of difference. This study of predicting later agecompressive strength from empirical relationship will ultimately save time, material and most importantlyassessing the quality of the design of construction.