摘要:In order to study the decomposition characteristics of returned rapeseed straw in the process of resourceutilization and the effect on soil fertility and crop yields, different treatments of soil with returned rapeseedstraw were conducted using the nylon net bag method of field trials. Different treatments include variedamounts of straw, depths to be buried in soil, and addition of straw decomposing bacteria. The resultsshowed that the decomposition ratio of rapeseed straw increased with time and the decomposition rate ofrapeseed straw was faster in the first 30 days and then slowed down until the end of 120 days. Strawdecomposition rate was negatively correlated with the amounts of returned rapeseed straw. The decompositionrate of rapeseed straw on the soil surface was faster than that buried 20cm below the soil surface, which isalso faster than that 10cm below the soil surface. Decomposition ratio of rapeseed straw with addition ofdecomposing bacteria was higher than without decomposing bacteria. The returned straw improved thephysical and chemical properties of soil and increased the soil nutrient content and rice yields. The studyprovided the basic parameters for controlling the rapeseed straw decomposition rate, which improved theagricultural eco-environment.