摘要:Through laboratory study, the isothermal absorption characteristics and dynamics characteristics of sedimentto phosphate in Yangtze River Yibin Section were analysed. The study shows that the absorption curve ofsediment is in good compliance with Langmuir and Freundlich isothermal absorption curves, which meansthat the sediment can absorb the phosphate spontaneously, and the absorption is done by polymolecularlayer, for which the maximum theoretical absorption amount is 13.969mg/g, and the empirical constant n>1,which shows the sediment in Yangtze River Yibin Section has great absorption activity. Through analysis ofprimary and secondary dynamics model, it shows that the absorption of phosphorus is divided into fastabsorption and slow absorption period, and the secondary dynamics equation can simulate the processmore accurately. Under different sediment and water ratio, the relative error of theoretical equilibriumconcentration and experimental equilibrium concentration calculated from the equation is less than 5%.