摘要:Rapid land use pattern change has taken place in Songhua River basin of old industry base in northeastregion of China over the past decades in Harbin region. In this paper, changes in land use pattern in thisregion were analysed by using Landsat TM data in 1989 and 2007, to quantitatively explore the spatio-temporal LUCC (land use and cover change) characteristics, and based on this information, the regionalecosystem service value was estimated. Cropland and unused land decreased, while built-up land increasedgreatly. The greatest change rate occurred in water bodies but the least occurred in cropland. The ecosystemservice value increased 4.8496×10 8 yuan, with increasing range of 8.3285%, cropland turned into forestlandoccurred the greatest positive contribution rate, accounted for 18.9437%, while forestland turned into croplandoccurred the greatest negative contribution rate, accounted for 10.2426%. The increase of built-up landimpacted the ecosystem service value and ecological environment negatively, and the increase of forestlandand water body and the decrease of unused land improved the ecological environment and its ecosystemservice values. Those improving the ecological environment were from other types of land use to forestlandand water body, however, those worsening the ecological environment were from forest and grassland tocropland and built-up land.