摘要:Methyl parathion (MP), a widely used organophosphorus (OP) pesticide, degrader was isolated from MPcontaminated soil sample. It was identified as Arthrobacter globiformis AD26 on the basis of biochemicalstudies and 16s rRNA analysis. MP at a concentration of 1250 µg/mL was totally biodegraded by Arthrobacterglobiformis AD26 as the sole carbon source at retention time (RT) for 72 hours on shaker. Cells grown inmedium containing MP as sole carbon source, showed higher amount of protein, than the cells grown inpresence of glucose as sole carbon source which was estimated by Biuret method. These results wereconfirmed by SDS-PAGE which showed induction of 97 kDa protein. P-nitrophenol (PNP), a hydrolysisproduct of MP, was also completely degraded by Arthrobacter globiformis AD26. This strain contained plasmidof approximately 47 kb size. Plasmid-curing experiments produced plasmid-free strain. This strain wasunable to utilize MP demonstrating that the degradative genes for MP were located on the 47-kb plasmid.