摘要:An attempt has been made to study drainage morphometry and its influence on hydrology of Nanjanagudtaluk. For detailed study, data for preparing DEM, aspect grid and slope maps, geographic informationsystem (GIS) was used in evaluation of linear, areal and relief aspects of morphometric parameters. Thestudy reveals that the elongated shape of the area is mainly due to guiding effect of thrusting and faulting. Inall 41 sub-basins in Nanjangud taluk have been selected for the study. Quantitative morphometric analysishas been carried out for linear, relief and aerial aspects for all the sub-basins. The streams up to fourth ordercan be seen in all the sub-basins. The morphometric analysis reveals that Hullahalli sub-basin has lowervalue of drainage density, stream frequency, elongation ratio, relief ratio and infiltration number indicatinghighly permeable sub-soil materials under dense vegetation cover. Except Hullahalli sub-basin, all the othersub-basins show fractured, resistant, permeable rocks and drainage network seems to be not affected bytectonic disturbances.