摘要:Groundwater is an important resource and the quality of groundwater has to be good for consumptionpurpose. Nitrate contamination in groundwater is a major problem in many places. Nitrate pollution in thegroundwater of the Chennai coastal aquifers was assessed to find out the extent of pollution in the area.From the samples collected from various locations, it is identified that the concentration of nitrate in groundwaterranged between 9 mg/L and 106 mg/L, and 27.7% of the samples have high nitrate. It was found that thehigher concentration of nitrate is due to the use of fertilizers and leaching from septic tanks of residentialbuildings in this region. It is evident from the present study that the groundwater of this area is highlycontaminated with nitrate and mitigative measures are needed to be taken to treat the groundwater which isused for domestic purposes.