摘要:Five common aquatic macrophytes (Phragmites communis, Typha angustata,Ceratophyllum demersum, Lemna sp. and Salvinia natans) were planted and grown indifferent fibre glass tanks containing lake sediment and water, with an aim to study thechanges brought about by these macrophytes in aquatic ecosystems. The study revealedthat aquatic macrophytes in freshwater environment provide important ecosystemfunctions: (i) increase pH, creating conditions for volatilization of NH 4 -N, precipitationof phosphorus and CaCO 3 (ii) enhancement of dissolved oxygen on account of highproductivity creating drop in conductivity and making most cations and anions non-available in the ambient water (iii) prevent resuspension of sediment into water columnand (iv) uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus, thereby improving overall quality of water.