摘要:The groundwater recharge assessment studies in Nagamangala taluk in Mandya districtwere carried out based on geographical information system (GIS) and remote sensingtechniques. In this connection satellite images (IRS-IA LISS+PAN+Wifs Image) andaerial plots were subjected to several treatment processes using software like ERDASimagine and ESRI’s Arc view. Thus, various thematic maps have been prepared fordrainage density, lineaments, lithology and land cover/land use that allowed decidingtheir interactive effect. In the present study, the degree of effect was determined foreach factor to assess the total groundwater recharge potentiality for two categories(moderate rate to low). The resultant map shows that 85% of the area has low and resthas moderate groundwater recharge potentiality. Finally, only 8.6% of the total averageannual precipitated water (1685 mm) percolates into subsurface and ultimatelycontributes to recharge the groundwater.