摘要:The water quality index (WQI) of Goalpara town and its surrounding areas in Assamwas studied and evaluation made for suitability of water for drinking purposes. Twentygroundwater samples from tube wells and open wells were collected during the periodfrom November, 2007 to March, 2008 and chemically analyzed. It was found that WQIof tube well is 5.5% excellent, 60% good, 14% poor and 20% very poor for drinkingpurpose, while for open wells it was 38% good, 31% poor and 31% very poor.Comparatively tube wells water is better than the open wells water. It was found thatexcessive application of fertilizers, pesticides and irregular uses are mostly responsiblefor degrading water quality, and to mitigate it proper treatment and measures have tobe taken.