摘要:Education has purposes to improve quality of human resources and to develop readiness to look at future. It also play critical role to reduce ignorance, recognize the potency and shape the behavior in the community. There are two types well-know of education in Indonesia, which are formal (kindergarten, elementary, junior high, senior high and university) and non-formal (computer courses, English lessons, tutoring session, vocational training and professional certification). Of course, people will go to formal education to obtain graduation degree for the necessity of finding job and position in the market. But, some people tend to seek alternative to provide adequate education for their future. It hinted certain problems have been resided in the current educational model, which focus on face to face approach. Along with the rising of IT in the era of Industry 4.0 in every aspect of daily life, people learn mostly every subject through Internet without considering much on its credibility. Thus, this paper explore the possibility of using hybrid method, which is known for blended learning to be implemented in nonformal education to help facilitate the public on information availability and develop mastery-based presentation to improve the understanding of student efficiently.