摘要:To realize demand-oriented operations in the middle route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project, this paper proposed a pool operation method that a variation interval of water level at the upstream of the check gate is allowed. In this method, water users’ demand for flow changes can be satisfied as much as possible. Accordingly, downstream water depth is kept to fluctuate within a certain range, which is determined considering the canal safety, the operation frequency of check gates and the pool delay. The method is tested using the self-developed simulation platform for the middle route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project, which is established based on the Saint-Venant equations and programmed with the language Fortran. Results show that the flow changes demanded by water users, either increase or decrease, can be achieved effectively, while the water level variations can meet the restrictions for canal operation safety, and the frequency of gate adjustment is practically acceptable as well. Therefore, the operation method of allowing variation interval of downstream water level is suitable in the middle route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project at the current stage.