摘要:The article presents the results of research aimed at improving the identification of eccentricities by ensuring the stability of solutions of linear discrete inverse prob-lems. The results of the application of scaling factors of systems with a view to reducing their dependence are sug-gested. Identified eccentricities imbalances and angles of their location allowed to balance the rotor turbopump unit TNA-150 and reduce the maximum deflection of the rotor shaft in the range of 2000-18000 rpm 6 times, the ampli-tude of vibration supports - 4 times, the static tension in the material of the shaft - 3.5 times, and dynamic tension- 3 times. The use of linear filtering LSEs based on the PCA method, has significantly reduced the LSE scattering and accurately identify the eccentricities of the compressor rotor of aircraft engine AI-20.
关键词:eccentricity; imbalance; inverse problem; rotor; least squares estimator; principal components analysis