摘要:The foam flow phenomen on the forced convec-tion, even with laminar flow, is complex and hard to de-velop analytically. Only key to the problem is experimental results and numerical solution. Heat transfer coefficient ‘h’ is very important parameter because it determines the rate of heat transfer. This paper uses two methods to determine this parameter, experiment and CFD simulation. Experiment was made for transient-turbulent convective heat transfer of macro foam in vertical cylindrical tube. CFD simulation in CFX was made and the experimental results have proven to be very useful for the validation of CFD calculations of foam flow through a heated cylindrical tube. After the numerical simulation proved the exper-imental results, RBMK-1500 control and protection chan-nel cooling with macro foam was modeled. While all of the reactors (installed in Ignalina NPP) have been already closed, but are still 11 operational reactors with similar in design.