摘要:Since 2005 in many countries, including Lithua-nia, it has been a legal requirement to incorporate legibleBraille onto pharmaceutical packaging. This enables theblind to easily integrate into society.Braille is a system of raised dots which can beread by touch. Braille can be formed in three ways: byusing screen or digital printing and embossing. Embossingis most common in the production of pharmaceutical pack-ages. Pharmaceutical packages, like many other packages,undergo handling and transportation during their life cycle,therefore they may be damaged by various mechanicalfactors. As Braille is read by touching the dots and thepackage is exposed to different mechanical factors, defor-mation properties of paperboard are extremely important;they may vary depending on parameters, such as type ofmaterial, composition etc. It is essential to make the rightchoice from a large variety of paperboard types, and toform appropriate parameters of Braille. Besides, during theprocess of formation, values of the parameters can be af-fected by pressure which may cause cracks in the material[1].