摘要:The delamination of the composites depends onits matrix and changes mechanical characteristics of rein-forced elements during deformation. The mechanical be-havior of laminated composites during compression is thecase when the bending moment appears besides the axialforces. The thread experiences normal stresses and shearstresses [1-3]. Similar works were done while analyzinginterfaces of I-beam shelves and walls [4] columns [5]beams [6], and cases of bar buckling depending on theirgeometry [6, 7, 9]. J. Brewer and P. Langace, M. Fenskeand A. Vizzini [9 - 11] suggested the measuring criteria ofdelamination. Authors [11, 12] were solving the problemsof composite fracture. However, the problem of investigat-ing composite delamination remains topical, because theinvestigations and evaluations of thread remain difficult.