摘要:Today’s struggle competition in marketplace de-mands permanent increase of productivity through newproducts and processes development. The computerizedactions of this task like CAD, CAPP, ERP, CAM and so onmust make a strong support creating and implementingnovelties. Product performance and cost are essential crite-ria in new product design. A key part of a product develop-ment cycle is the conceptual design phase that greatly in-fluences the resulting performance, cost, quality, productmanufacturability and life cycle parameters of the productlife cycle [1]. In this phase it is necessary to forecast pro-duct or its part manufacturing time, cost and delivery timeto market. The products’ classification system could sim-plify solving of above mentioned tasks and seeking thebest solutions of product’s manufacturing cost and charac-teristics in the separate products’ class level.The research objective of this paper is creation ofmechanical engineering products’ classification systemthat could help improve and simplify its early stage devel-opment procedure, in particular, looking for better productperformance and less manufacturing cost. The developedclassification system was tested implementing it into labo-ratory and industry for new products and processes deve-lopment in virtual reality.