摘要:The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is a smallplane which flies in an autonomous way with only onevirtual pilot on board. That does not mean that the plane iscompletely out of control once it leaves the track. Thepresence of a human being in the loop of control is essen-tial. But the operator is on a station on the ground, eitheron ground, or at sea or in a control center. He can interveneat any time, examine the situation and the rules of engage-ment, and stop the mission if necessary. The concept of anUAV resounds in several research laboratories of any de-veloped country. The first instigators of this type of theprojects were the soldiers. Indeed, the armies of manycountries prefer to rather send UAV’s for the recognitionin the high-risk zones that man. This type of flying ma-chine can take much various missions, extending from thecontrol of the scientific experiments to the intelligencecollecting the monitoring during the day or the night.