摘要:Flat-foot is one of the most common foot de-formities in children that may lead to foot or ankle painduring walking. A flatfoot deformity is where the arch onthe inside border of the foot is more flat than normal andthe entire sole of the foot comes into complete or near-complete contact with the ground [1]. The deformity canoccur in all age groups, but appears most commonly inchildren. It should be treated with foot orthosis, exercisesor surgical treatment. Lack of an appropriate treatmentmay trigger additional complications including joint de-formity, back pain, and gait instability [2-5]. Various tech-niques were reported to assess the arch height includingradiographic measurements and footprint analysis, whichare the most commonly used methods [6-8]. Ground reac-tion force (GRF) during gait can provide insight into thefunctional manifestations of foot and ankle disorders andmay be used for early diagnostic of abnormal foot biome-chanics due to flat-foot. Several studies [3, 9, 10] haveexplored GRF during gait for various foot complication inadults, but to date still little is known about the groundreaction force of children with flat-feet.