摘要:The popularity of the houses constructed fromnatural materials is increased lately. The wooden logs withround section are the good example of such materials. To-day the log houses are designed and manufactured glob-ally. The manufacturing environment during later severaldecades has changed very much; it became modern andcompetitive for mastering new design and manufacturingmethods in many industrial fields. The need of new prod-ucts development and processes manufacturing engineer-ing at the same time has increased. The increase of newproducts variety and performance, and decrease in produc-tion volume, product lead time and manufacturing costpursues the developers and researchers to search new effi-cient methods and techniques for manufacturing engineer-ing [1]. Navackas has developed the 3-D model for lateraletching processes, which is possible to apply in new devicemanufacturing processes [2]. At the same time Burneikahas developed the product configurator which enables auser to make product adjustments [3]. Karaulova [4] re-searched manufacturing process reliability.