摘要:The importance of intact renosterveld vegetation to the maintenance of ecosystem health and services hasbeen increasingly highlighted in the literature. 1-3 Similarly, acknowledgement of heavy transformation (over 80%)and fragmentation (approximately 5% intact remnant patches remain) of renosterveld vegetation has been welldocumented. 4,5 Renosterveld – a shrubby vegetation type dominated by Elytropappys rhinocerotis (L.f.) Less – hasbeen heavily transformed and replaced by agriculture, mostly vine, olive and wheat cultivation. 6 The fragmentedrenosterveld remnants remain under threat of being cleared for new agricultural lands or being subjected todisturbances like overgrazing, fire and invasion by alien plants. 5 There is, therefore, the need for conservationof renosterveld through securing the existing remnants, linking fragments through ecological restoration andspreading awareness about good management practices.