摘要:Predation of livestock in South Africa has been estimated to cost in excess of ZAR1 billion in losses peryear 1 and has complex social, economic and ecological drivers and consequences. In this context, livestockcan be broadly defined as domesticated animals and wildlife (the former excluding poultry and the latterincluding ostrich, Struthio camelus) managed for commercial purposes or human benefit in free-ranging (orsemi-free ranging) circumstances that render them vulnerable to predation. This conflict between livestockproducers and predators, and the attempts to manage it, has persisted for over 350 years, with the mostnotable outcome being the eradication of the majority of the apex predators across much of South Africa. 2In contrast, the mesopredators, black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) and caracal (Caracal caracal)are by all accounts thriving, at least as measured by their impact on livestock production. Increasingly,attempts to manage livestock predation give rise to deep polarisations, particularly between animal rightistsand livestock producers, which further confounds an already complex situation. This complexity hampersthe development of policy and regulations with regard to managing livestock predation. A recent globalreview of the scientific merit of studies on the efficacy of various predator control interventions highlightedthe paucity of adherence to acceptable scientific methods in these studies, and recommends ‘suspendinglethal control methods’ while appropriately designed studies are undertaken. 3 Treves et al. 3 did not identifyany valid (by their criteria) studies undertaken in South Africa. This example highlights the need for ascientifically robust basis for policy and management of livestock predation issues.