摘要:Schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis represent the most common neglected tropicaldiseases and may cause acute and chronic illness. 1 The most prevalent schistosome species in SouthAfrica is Schistosoma haematobium, which causes urogenital schistosomiasis. 2 It is estimated that5.2 million people in South Africa are infected with S. haematobium. 3 The total number of peopleinfected with soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) in South Africa is unknown, but according to theWorld Health Organization (WHO) approximately 3.2 million children require treatment in South Africa. 4These helminth infections may have serious consequences in children, which could lead to decreasedgrowth and stunting, decreased cognitive development and school performance and increased schoolabsenteeism. 5,6 Furthermore, infection with STHs is associated with anaemia and malnutrition 5,7 andurogenital schistosomiasis may also lead to anaemia, dysuria, haematuria, infertility and, in someinstances, bladder cancer 8 and may increase the risk of HIV infection in women 6,9,10 . The diseases maybe controlled by periodic treatment with so-called preventive chemotherapy. .