摘要:Livelihood diversification is increasingly seen as one of the pathways for poverty reduction and economic growthin sub-Saharan Africa. 1 Asset, activity and income diversification characterises the livelihood strategies of manyrural communities in sub-Saharan Africa. Income diversification refers to an increase in the number of sourcesof income, or the balance between different sources. 2 There are multiple motives which prompt households orindividuals to diversify assets and income-earning activities. These motives include the need to increase income toprovide a sufficient livelihood 3 – and to reduce risk and even out consumption – because reliance on one sourceof income increases the risk of destitution and prevents achievement of economies of scope. 4 Thus, a householdwith two sources of income would be more diversified than a household with only one source 5 , and a householdwith two income sources, each contributing half of the combined total, would be more diversified than a householdwith two sources with one income accounting for 90% of the total 6 . Income diversification is a component oflivelihood diversification, which is a process by which households construct a diverse portfolio of activities andsocial support capabilities in order to improve their living standards and manage risk.