摘要:We report the discovery of a planetary system in which a super-Earth orbits a late M-dwarf host. The planetary system was found from the analysis of the microlensing event OGLE-2017-BLG-0482, wherein the planet signal appears as a short-term anomaly to the smooth lensing light curve produced by the host. Despite its weak signal and short duration, the planetary signal was firmly detected from the dense and continuous coverage by three microlensing surveys. We find a planet/host mass ratio of q∼1.4×10−4. We measure the microlens parallax pE from the long-term deviation in the observed lensing light curve, but the angular Einstein radius qE cannot be measured because the source trajectory did not cross the planet-induced caustic. Using the measured event timescale and the microlens parallax, we find that the masses of the planet and the host are Mp 9.0 4.5 M = 9.0 - + Å and Mhost 0.20 0.10 M = 0.20 - + , respectively, and the projected separation between them is a 1.8 0.7 = 0.6 ^ - + au. The estimated distance to the lens is D 5.8 L 2.1 = 1.8 - + kpc. The discovery of the planetary system demonstrates that microlensing provides an important method to detect low-mass planets orbiting low-mass stars.
关键词:gravitational lensing: micro;planetary systems