摘要:AbstractWe develop a control design for stabilization of traffic flow in congested regime, based on an Aw-Rascle-Zhang-type (ARZ-type) Partial Differential Equation (PDE) model, for traffic consisting of both ACC-equipped (Adaptive Cruise Control-equipped) and manual vehicles. The control input is the value of the time-gap setting of ACC-equipped and connected vehicles, which gives rise to a problem of control of a 2×2 nonlinear system of first-order hyperbolic PDEs with in-domain actuation. The feedback law is designed in order to stabilize the linearized system, around a uniform, congested equilibrium profile. Stability of the closed-loop system under the developed control law is shown constructing a Lyapunov functional. The performance improvement of the closed-loop system under the proposed strategy is illustrated in simulation, also employing four different metrics, which quantify the performance in terms of fuel consumption, total travel time, and comfort.