摘要:AbstractThis paper aims to develop a Global Chassis Controller to coordinate the Active Front steering, Direct Yaw Control and Active Suspension controllers, in the ambition to improve the overall vehicle performance. A multilayer control architecture is adopted. It contains a local control layer and a decision layer. The local objectives for the sub-controllers in the control layer concern explicitly: maneuverability, lateral stability, rollover avoidance, and ride comfort. The sub-controllers are designed based on the super-twisting sliding mode theory. The decision layer is developed to promote/attenuate the local objectives of the sub-controllers, in order to remove the conflicts among the different objectives and extract the maximum benefit from the coordination using some evaluation criteria. This layer monitors the dynamics of the vehicle, calculates and sends scheduled gains to the sub-controllers, based on fuzzy logic rules and a stability criterion. Finally, the proposed Global Chassis Controller is validated on Matlab/Simulink using a vehicle model validated on the professional vehicle simulator“SCANeR Studio”.The results show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.