摘要:In 2010 Stonehammer Geopark (Fig. 1), located in southern New Brunswick, became the first North American member of the Global Geoparks Network, an organization assisted by UNESCO. Geoparks are about rocks, but also about people, society and culture. Geology, geoher- itage, geotourism, economic develop- ment and public education are all vital elements for a Global Geopark. Geot- ourism, based on the observation and understanding of geology, is a growing part of the tourism market. While geo- tourism is not new, the development of the European Geoparks Network, Asian Geoparks Network and the par- ent Global Geoparks Network are pro- viding models for engaging the public in the appreciation of geology that link sustainable economic development with the preservation and interpreta- tion of geology.