期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science & Technology
出版社:Ayushmaan Technologies
摘要:Cloud computing has been envisioned as the de-facto solutionto the rising storage costs of IT Enterprises. With the high costsof data storage devices as well as the rapid rate at which datais being generated it proves costly for enterprises or individualusers to frequently update their hardware. Apart from reduction instorage costs data outsourcing to the cloud also helps in reducingthe maintenance. Cloud storage moves the user’s data to large datacenters, which are remotely located, on which user does not haveany control. However, this unique feature of the cloud poses manynew security challenges which need to be clearly understood andresolved. One of the important concerns that need to be addressedis to assure the customer of the integrity i.e. correctness of hisdata in the cloud. As the data is physically not accessible to theuser the cloud should provide a way for the user to check if theintegrity of his data is maintained or is compromised. In this paperwe provide a scheme which gives a proof of data integrity in thecloud which the customer can employ to check the correctness ofhis data in the cloud. This proof can be agreed upon by both thecloud and the customer and can be incorporated in the ServiceLevel Agreement (SLA). This scheme ensures that the storage atthe client side is minimal which will be benefcial for thin clients.And also we propose The network bandwidth is also minimizedas the size of the proof is comparatively very less(k+1 bits for oneproof). It should be noted that our scheme applies only to staticstorage of data. It cannot handle to case when the data need to bedynamically changed. Hence developing on this will be a futurechallenge. Also the number of queries that can be asked by theclient is fxed apriori. But this number is quite large and can besuffcient if the period of data storage is short. It Will be a challengeto increase the number of queries using this scheme.