标题:Computer Self-Efcacy, Anxiety and Attitudes Towards use
of Technology Among University Academicians: A Case
Study of University of Port Harcourt—Nigeria
期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science & Technology
出版社:Ayushmaan Technologies
摘要:The 21st century also called ICT literacy includes not only thetraditional concept of literacy, but it also encompasses the ability toincorporate new technologies into teaching and learning. The paperfocus on computer, self-effcacy, anxiety and attitudes towardsuse of technology, as it influence the behavioral intention of theuniversity academicians to accept and use ICT for teaching andlearning. The University of Port Harcourt Nigeria was use as a casestudy, and 100 questionnaires were administered and collected.The technology usage by the academic staff shows that 74% arewilling to use ICT once or more a day. 51% of the respondentssaid that the use of ICT is voluntary. Three null hypotheses werestated. The fndings shows that the Uniport academic staff hadmedium computer anxiousness, they have moderate computer selfeffcacy and high attitudes towards use of technology. Therefore,as attitudes towards use of technology increase, computer selfeffcacy also increase and this cause a gradual decrease in computeranxiety. The most influential construct is attitudes towards useof technology. This was determined by the regression analysisand the hypotheses. The knowledge gained from this study isbenefcial to university administrators, academic staff and theNigerian ICT policy makers.