摘要:The purpose of the study is to investigate the status of applying governance in Palestinian localauthorities through applying the standards of governance represented in transparency, accountability,participation, justice, equity, strategic vision, integrity, responsiveness and the rule of law; due to its importancein developing the performance of municipalities and villages counsels. Thus, developing the provided servicesin general, the study adopted the descriptive empirical approach by administrating a questionnaire on a sampleof employees from Palestinian local authorities/Northern governorates in West bank, totaling 99 questionnaires.The findings of the study showed that the implementation of governance standards in the Palestinian localauthorities is moderate to weak as follows: strengthening the rule of law 68.89%, participation 56.02%,accountability 62.15%, transparency 57.10%, justice and equality 60.27%, neutrality/response 61.62%, strategicvision 50.98%, the percentage of males employed in the Palestinian local bodies is higher than females, thepercentage of those who hold a Bachelors degree is higher, the higher percentage of employees are of middleage between 40-55 and in light of the results the study recommended the need to strengthen the role ofsupervisory bodies and more effort supervising the performance of local authorities, whether internal or externaltraining the employees of local authorities on the need to implement the principles of governance and thedangers of mediation which have become white corruption in Palestinian society as a crime punishable by lawin addition to increasing the proportion of females in local bodies, by giving them a certain percentage ifemployment as a kind of equality.
关键词:participation;accountability;transparency;governance;measurement;Local authorities;equity;rule of law