摘要:Presently, the spoilage of pasteurized and hot-filled fruit juices by an Alicyclobacillus spp. (a spore forming, acido-thermophilic bacteria) is a challenging job for fruit juice industry. The present study was, therefore, designed to find a solution to the problem that needs to be environmentally friendly and economical. In this study, we have successfully applied the hurdle technology (i.e. head space, treated water and use of ascorbic acid) to increase the shelf life of pasteurized hot-filled mango juice for 90 days. Fortification of ascorbic acid (150 mg/l) to pasteurized hot-filled mango juice with no head space has significantly inhibited the growth of Alicycloba-cillus spp. Similarly, water treated with ozone and UV before using it in juice did control the bacterial count. Among the quality attributes, color and flavor were significantly (p < 0.05) affected, while pH and 0Brix of the juice were slightly changed during storage. Hence, concluded that using treated water and ascorbic acid in pasteurized hot-filled mango juice, without a head space has the ability to inhibit the growth of Alicyclobacillus bacteria. Moreover, an increase in the shelf life of the pasteurized hot-filledmango juice was economical and environmentally friendly.