摘要:Although its effects are clearly seen in many parts of the country, studies on climate change only date back to nearly three decades ago in Turkey. However, many good quality and conclusive studies have been conducted to reveal the trend and extent of these changes considering the locations and time periods. Because such studies are dealt mainly with the subject from only meteorological and climato- logic points of view, very little emphasis has been given on the effects of these changes on specific human occupations, e.g. urban, landscape or architectural planning or design. This study may be among the first to evaluate the effects of climate change on urban, landscape and architectural planning/design works in Turkey by reviewing the related studies, projections and their outputs and justifying their results to mention some proposals considering main principles. Present study is aimed to mention about the sizes of the regional and seasonal climatic changes by considering the projections of some climate change scenarios (RCP; Representative Concentration Pathways; RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 accepted to be used for IPCC 5~(th) Assessment Report). Main concern in the study is to discuss the possible impacts of the changes foreseen in the scenarios on urban and landscape planning works. After gaining some concrete insights about the conditions, mitigation of these effects is also discussed considering some basic planning and design principles.